Posted by Organicule on

Image by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Today, we bring you another jewel from the grand African continent.

And even though, at face value, it may not seem like much, the Kalahari melon is actually a treasure trove of nutrition. Albeit a bitter one.

Its true worth isn’t found in the pale, yellow, and bitter-tasting flesh – thankfully. But in the tiny seeds that are nestled within and the precious oil in those seeds.

What is Kalahari melon seed oil?

This intriguing oil extract comes from the desert lands of Southern Africa, deep in the rolling plains of Namibia and Botswana.

It is a member of the squash family and closely related to the watermelon, which is fascinating, considering the significant difference in taste.

The Kalahari melon oil is gotten from the seeds of this wild melon – ‘Citrullus Lanatus’ –which are scooped from the melon, rinsed, and dried in the sun.

When all the moisture is gone, the seeds are cold-pressed, and the golden oil is extracted.

The oil is then poured into jars and bottles for use.

The numerous uses of Kalahari melon oil range from skincare and hair-care to using it as a nutritional supplement.

Let’s look at a few.


Uses of Kalahari Melon Seed Oil

Image by Christin Hume from Unsplash

Kalahari Melon Seed Oil has a plethora of uses, most of which are for skincare.

  • A large portion of it (68%) consists of Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for the nourishment of the skin. These components have a moisturizing effect on the surface of the skin, and actively help in the repair of damaged skin. They are also useful in stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, which keeps you looking young and fresh.


  • The Kalahari melon seed oil can also be used as an oil cleanser. When applied to the skin, it helps break down excess sebum that clogs the pores and makes it easier to wash away accumulated dirt in the pores – all thanks to the presence of linolenic acid.


  • The antioxidants in this oil have a hydrating effect on the skin, giving it a firmer look and reducing wrinkles.


  • Vitamins A, C, and E in Kalahari melon seed oil also has anti-inflammatory powers and can reduce the appearance of acne and other skin irritations.


Interestingly, Kalahari melon oil has become the go-to oil for hair treatments and masks. This isn’t surprising, because asides from the fact that it is a great hair conditioner – much like argan oil – Kalahari melon oil is also very lightweight and super easy to absorb.

So, say goodbye to greasy, dull hair and hello to Kalahari melon seed oil.

How to Use Kalahari Oil


  1. To get that ageless, plump look for your skin, you can add a few drops – maybe 5 or 8 – to your moisturizer or body lotion and stir it in.


  1. Since it’s pretty light, you can also mix it with harsher oils like tea tree oil to enhance absorption.


  1. And if you aren’t okay with rubbing in oils after washing your hair, you can add a few drops of Kalahari melon oil in your conditioner for that lustrous shine.

Now you know what you’re missing out on. Get your bottle of Kalahari Melon Seed Oil and watch your skin say, “thank you.”

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